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Adult playing on the ground with childDevelopmental assessment is an important part of the early intervention process. In Virginia, there are two types of assessment. Assessment for eligibility may be offered if eligibility for EI services cannot be determined based on a review of results from a developmental screening tool, vision and hearing screening, parent report, medical records, etc. Assessment for service planning occurs once a child is found eligible for supports and services.

The assessment process provides valuable information that the IFSP team, including the family, uses to develop IFSP outcomes and determine appropriate services to support families as they encourage the development of their children. This information is gathered using a functional assessment approach that explores a child’s development in the context of his or her interactions with family, peers, and others while participating in the family’s daily activities and routines.

On this page, you will find resources related to early intervention screening and assessment.

Click the tabs below to review the resources.