Initial Certification

2 women in doorwayIndividual practitioners of early intervention (EI) services in Virginia, except physicians, audiologists and registered dieticians, must be certified by the Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia as an Early Intervention Professional, Early Intervention Specialist, or Early Intervention Case Manager. The type of certification depends on the practitioner’s discipline-specific qualifications and job requirements.

To ensure a well-trained, qualified workforce, practitioners in Virginia must be granted Initial Certification before providing EI services to children and families.

Review Chapter 12 in the Infant & Toddler Connection of Virginia Practice Manual (external website) for more information about EI Certification.

Click the links below to jump directly to the following sections of this page.

Initial Certification Courses and Modules

Practitioners must meet discipline-specific qualifications and complete the required Virginia Early Intervention Certification Modules prior to applying for initial certification. These modules are organized into a series of six Initial Certification courses which can be accessed on our Virginia Early Intervention eLearning Center site. These courses include:

overviewOverview: Mission and Key Principles of Early Intervention (1 hour)
This course covers the mission of Part C early intervention. Upon completion of this course, you will increase your knowledge of the 7 Key Principles of early intervention and learn what each principle looks like and doesn't look like.

ei processThe Early Intervention Process (4 hours)
This course includes two modules: Ben's Journey through the Early Intervention Process and Writing Functional IFSP Outcomes and Goals. In the first module, you will learn about the early intervention process by following Ben's family from initial referral through transition. The second module focuses on tips and strategies for well-written outcomes and goals.

effective practices for implementing eiEffective Practices for Implementing Early Intervention (3 hours)
This course addresses effective practices for implementing evidence-based early intervention (EI). The modules in this course cover: 1) family-centered practices, 2) providing EI in everyday routines and activities, and 3) supporting caregiver learning during EI visits.

responsibilities of ei practitionersResponsibilities of Early Intervention Practitioners (5 hours)
This course covers essential responsibilities of all early intervention practitioners. Topics include: teaming and collaboration, confidentiality and professional boundaries, safety, abuse and neglect, contact note documentation and procedural safeguards.

child developmentChild Development (2 hours)
This course provides an overview of typical development so that you know when to be concerned about a child’s development or behavior. Specifically, the course content covers the following ages: birth to 3 months, 4 to 7 months, 8 to 12 months, 13 to 17 months, 18 to 24 months, and 24 to 36 months.

authentic assessmentAuthentic Assessment (2 hours)
This course addresses authentic assessment in early intervention (EI). The lessons include: 1) What is Authentic Assessment, 2) Understanding Why, 3) Who, Where, When, and Within, and 4) Putting It All Together.

If you are a service coordinator, you will need to complete the Initial Certification courses plus an additional module:

many facets of service coordination The Many Facets of Service Coordination (2 hours)
This course covers the key aspects of early intervention service coordination. Upon completion of this course, you will understand the leadership requirements and responsibilities of your role in supporting families and team members in the delivery of these services.

If you are a supervisor, you must complete the Initial Certification modules plus an additional module:

supervision Bright Ideas for Successful Supervision (2 hours)
This course is designed for local system managers and anyone who supervises early intervention providers, including service coordinators. You will learn about best practices, implementation techniques for quality supervision, tips for efficiency, and tools to improve the supervision you provide.

Applying for Initial Certification

Once you have completed these courses and modules, you must apply for EI certification on the site below:

overviewTrac-IT EI Certification (external website)
Visit this site using your TRAC-IT User ID and password. Click on “Certification” then “Manage Certifications” and complete your renewal application for Early Intervention Professional, Early Intervention Specialist or Early Intervention Case Manager.

For question about your application status or the application process, please email David Mills at

For more information about recertification, read Chapter 12 Personnel from the Infant & Toddler Connection of VA’s Practice Manual (external website)


Click here for information about EI Recertification.

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