Early Intervention Strategies for Success

Sharing What Works in Supporting Infants & Toddlers and the Families in Early Intervention


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Consider this quote: “When we know the facts about people, we know what they are. When we  know their stories, we know who they are.” (John Quincy Adams)

We gather tons of facts in early intervention. We ask exhaustive and often intrusive questions about medical history, resource needs, financial information, priorities for the child’s development, daily routines, etc.  …

The last three posts in this series covered strategies for managing your time, organizing and prioritizing your work, and taking charge of your communication and your calendar. Now, in this final installment of this series, let’s think about how you take care of you!

We have all made this suggestion to the families we serve at …

The last two posts in this series covered strategies for managing your time and organizing and prioritizing your work. Now, let’s think about how to take charge of your communication and your calendar!
Tip #7: Take charge of your phone calls

Set the tone with your outgoing message

Manage caller’s expectations by letting them know when …

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
So, I’m at the office and I can’t help but overhear a Service Coordinator on the phone with an early intervention provider making the call – you know, the break up call. She tried everything to soften the news – scheduling conflict, goodness of fit, it’s not you, the family thinks …

Last week we posted 3 tips to help you get organize and prioritize your many work duties. These tips involved organizing lists, prioritizing your work, and using tickler systems. Here are 3 more tips for managing your time!
Tip #4: Follow the 3 minute rule (or 5 minute rule or whatever time you set for yourself)

Do you ever feel like you have so much to do that you don’t know where to start?  Do you ever have one of those days or weeks where you feel like everything is merging together and you don’t remember where you left off or where you should begin at the beginning of each day …

A new family is referred to your program and they bring with them a prescription for therapy. The prescription lists physical therapy 5x/week. The parents request this level of service because that’s what their pediatrician says the child needs. When you explain the difference between a medical model of therapy and the family-centered methods used …

Maybe the family was referred to your program by the court system. Maybe the mother made the referral because a grandparent was pressuring her. Maybe the doctor made the referral even though the father wasn’t really interested.

Whatever the reason, there are some families who enroll in early intervention but who really don’t want to be there.  Accepting early intervention …

Let me say it again…parents should never ever sign an incomplete IFSP. Or a blank prior notice form. Or a blank or incomplete anything.
There are so many reasons why this is not a good idea…here are 5 of them.
1. The IFSP is a Contract

First and foremost, the IFSP is a contract between the early intervention program and the …

Does this sound familiar?

Devin is a happy little boy who enjoys playing with musical toys, splashing in the bathtub, and looking at books with his grandmother. During the assessment today, Devin was able to stack three blocks, scribble with a crayon, and point to four pictures in a book. He sat independently, pulled to stand at …

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