Early Intervention Strategies for Success

Sharing What Works in Supporting Infants & Toddlers and the Families in Early Intervention


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You’re on an intervention visit and the mother asks you if you also work with her neighbor’s child. She says she’s noticed your car in their driveway and goes on to tell you what she knows about that family. Or maybe you’re talking with a friend of yours who mentions a family who is in your program.
What do you …

You’ve been in a home working with a family for about 15 minutes when the child’s older brother walks into the room, sneezes on you, and sits on your lap. The child feels like he has a fever, has very runny nose and is coughing. The mother tells you that he’s been sick since yesterday and …

VCUE Logo, ITC Log, Infant Toddler Connection of Virginia Logo and Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services