Maybe you’ve felt this before…you are on a visit and it’s the parent’s turn to practice using an intervention strategy. Perhaps you just modeled it, or you and the parent came up with an idea and want to give it a try. When you ask the parent if she’d like to try it, she averts …
In your busy day, there’s often very little time to stop and really think about what you’re doing. Instead, you just “do” what needs to be done. In Virginia, and in many states, early interventionists (EIs) are working very hard to adopt coaching practices as a means of interacting with families. When you do stop …
In Virginia, we’ve spent the past few years working hard to learn about and adopt coaching practices. Six regions in our state have completed two levels of coaching training for master coaches and coaching teams. In total, 84 Master Coaches and 278 coaching team members participated in training and follow-up technical assistance with the coaching gurus, Dr. Dathan …