On a given day, you might have anywhere from 2-6 visits with families. If you step back and reflect, how do these visits typically work? There may be a similar way you begin or end your visits. You may find yourself conducting visits in the same parts of the home across visits or asking similar questions …
Ever “Wonder” with Families?
Last week, our May Talks on Tuesdays webinar presenter, Jeannie Odachowski, presented about Approaching Families About Early Mental Health Care. Something she said really stuck with me and I’m still thinking about it over a week later. She talked about “wondering” with families – encouraging service providers to wonder with the parent about why the …
The Value of Collaborative Problem-Solving
Pop Quiz: What is the activity that families report in the literature as the most helpful thing that happens on EI visits?
Answer: Problem-solving
Are you surprised? It makes so much sense when you think about how much you talk with families about their challenges – teaching the 18 month old to sit in the grocery chart, understanding a …
But Everyone Else Still Brings Toys…
Are you Service Provider A or Service Provider B?
Service Provider A always brings a bag of toys to each visit because this allows her to plan ahead. Having a toy bag ensures that she has the materials that she knows will work, which is great because many children she sees don’t have many toys. The children …
What Are You Thankful For?
Okay, so after 5 years of blogging I’m finally doing the thankfulness blog post during the holiday week. I could resist no longer…no, really. This just seems like the perfect time to think about what we are grateful for with the work that we do.
Top 5 Reasons I’m Thankful for EI
Here are the top five things …
Breaking the “Have You Tried…?” Habit
It’s so easy, almost reflexive, to provide suggestions to a parent who tells us about a struggle with a child. Most of us have tons of ideas packed in our brains and are eager to share them, hoping we’ll have the magic solution to make life easier for the family. We spew suggestions without even …
Adult Learning Principle #3: Active Practice and Participation are Key!
Your tire just went flat. You pull over to the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere, to try to accomplish something you’ve never done before. No, it’s not call AAA…you’re going to change the tire yourself. Thank goodness you have a good signal out here because you use your phone to look …
Adult Learning Principle #4: Practicing Intervention Strategies in Real-Time
Think about it. How did you learn to drive? Sure, you read the driving manual, went to a driver’s ed class, and you probably talked about driving a lot. Before getting behind the wheel, you’d observed people driving for years. Was reading, talking about the new skill, and observing someone doing it enough to prepare …
Preaching to the Choir about Early Screening Resources – Spread the Word!
Meet Chris – He and his family have moved 7 times since he was born and are now staying with friends. Chris was referred to your program by his mother at the suggestion of her friend’s mom. The referral said that Chris was 29 months old and not walking. When you arrive for the screening, you see …
Twins & Siblings: Supporting Families of Multiples
A set of new referrals comes across your desk: two children in the same family. Twins! Wow, you think…twice the paperwork, twice the visits, twice the fun. The funny thing is that you probably wouldn’t have balked if you’d just gotten two referrals about children from different families. Why is it that multiples in the same …