I’ve been thinking a lot about routines-based intervention lately. In particular, I’ve been thinking about (and experiencing) what happens when a family doesn’t invite you into their daily routines. What do you do when the space the family makes available to you is small? Not physical space, but family life space. When the only activity …
An Early Interventionist’s Internal Struggle
The Parent Seems Uncomfortable…What Do You Do?
Maybe you’ve felt this before…you are on a visit and it’s the parent’s turn to practice using an intervention strategy. Perhaps you just modeled it, or you and the parent came up with an idea and want to give it a try. When you ask the parent if she’d like to try it, she averts …
DEC Recommended Practices – Interaction (Part 1)
When we whittle early intervention down to its core, I think it’s all about interactions. Interactions between the child and caregiver, first and foremost…interactions between the child and the environment (toys, sofa cushions, spoons and cups, buttons on the TV remote, the family dog)…interactions between the EI practitioner and caregiver that facilitate positive interactions with …
Ongoing Assessment Occurs Naturally
Rosemary, speech therapist, has been seeing Caleb for five months and it is time for his annual IFSP next month. She is worried she does not have enough information to provide developmental age ranges for the annual IFSP. According to the practice manual (Chapter 6, page 2), ongoing assessment is defined as:
“Assessment that occurs as …
DEC Recommended Practices: Environment
Nicholas visits with Mia and her grandmother, Mrs. Wilson, during breakfast. Mrs. Wilson loves to cook and would like to involve Mia but she isn’t sure how. When she’s tried, Mia pulls her hand away or arches her back instead of touching the ingredients. Mrs. Wilson knows that she should help Mia touch different textures …
Adult Learning Principle #3: Active Practice and Participation are Key!
Your tire just went flat. You pull over to the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere, to try to accomplish something you’ve never done before. No, it’s not call AAA…you’re going to change the tire yourself. Thank goodness you have a good signal out here because you use your phone to look …
Ditch the Animal Sounds! – Who’s Ready for the Next Talks on Tuesday?!
It is hard to believe but it is almost May! The final Talk of the two-part series, entitled “Ditch the Animal Sounds: Writing Appropriate Outcomes that Lead to Effective Implementation,” will be presented live on May 5th! In anticipation of the upcoming webinar, I am excited to share with you just a few of the …
Address the Language: The Speech will Follow!
Joey is 25 months old. He was referred to his local early intervention intake coordinator by his parents secondary to their concerns about his intelligibility and inability to effectively communicate his needs or wants. They reported that he uses approximately 15 words but “talks in such a garbled manner” that both parents and Joey’s older …
Watch Me! – Using Modeling as a Caregiver Teaching Tool
Lynn meets Devon and his mother, Janae, at the grocery store for their visit this week. When she arrives, she finds them trying to walk into the store. They are struggling because Devon is having a tantrum and Janae is trying to carry him while he kicks and screams. Lynn goes up to them and asks if …
Adult Learning Principle #4: Practicing Intervention Strategies in Real-Time
Think about it. How did you learn to drive? Sure, you read the driving manual, went to a driver’s ed class, and you probably talked about driving a lot. Before getting behind the wheel, you’d observed people driving for years. Was reading, talking about the new skill, and observing someone doing it enough to prepare …