Early Intervention Strategies for Success

Sharing What Works in Supporting Infants & Toddlers and the Families in Early Intervention


There are many “rules to live by” when developing IFSP outcomes, and some of these rules vary from state to state. In Virginia, our IFSP includes both long-term outcomes and short-term goals; in other states, only long-term outcomes are included. When you have to write both, it can be tricky to make sure that outcomes and …

Last week we posted 3 tips to help you get organize and prioritize your many work duties. These tips involved organizing lists, prioritizing your work, and using tickler systems. Here are 3 more tips for managing your time!
Tip #4: Follow the 3 minute rule (or 5 minute rule or whatever time you set for yourself)

We all have the “shelf of shame”…the shelf in our offices that houses the dusty collection of folders and handouts we eagerly collect when we attend conferences and trainings. We also probably have a similar shelf in our brains…a folder in the back of our heads where we store the information we were so excited …

We’re really good, in early intervention, at the “what ifs…” – especially when it comes to adopting new practices. When a practice feels unfamiliar or even contrary to how we were trained, it’s so easy to jump to the “what ifs” and feel like there are many reasons not to use the new information. Often, though …

The practice of early intervention (EI) is always evolving and changing as new evidence comes to light about how to support children and families. This brief summarizes a research study that examined perceptions and experiences of EI providers as they implemented a new service delivery approach. It is followed by strategies you can use to …

These past two weeks, we have had the pleasure of hosting Dr. M’Lisa Shelden and Dr. Dathan Rush from the Family Infant and Preschool Program (FIPP) Center for the Advanced Study of Excellence (CASE) in Early Childhood and Family Support Practices for coaching training in two regions of Virginia. Both trainings went exceptionally well and involved lots …

How do you keep your early intervention knowledge and practices current? It’s not always easy!

Keeping up with current practices and thought in the field can be very challenging for interventionists for lots of reasons – lack of time, expenses involved with journal subscriptions, etc. Here are a few links, ideas, and suggestions to help you keep up!
I know …

A new student walks into your office and sits down on the first day of her practicum. You begin your orientation about your program, starting with an overview of early intervention. You start by discussing Part C of IDEA and about halfway through your explanation, the student politely interrupts and asks…”What’s Part C again?” Yikes.

If you are student …

I just returned from attending and presenting at the Zero to Three National Training Institute in Los Angeles this past weekend. The conference was wonderful, with 2000 attendees from all over the country. It was amazing to see so many people together focusing on what is such a critically important time in early development. Once …

Last week I wrote about strategies for using videotaping during and between EI visits.  Here are three fabulous resources to help you think more about the potential use of video to positively impact our work with families:
Results Matter Video Library
Larry Edelman from the University of Coloradco produced these videos and has been a leader in developing short videos for use in …

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