These past two weeks, we have had the pleasure of hosting Dr. M’Lisa Shelden and Dr. Dathan Rush from the Family Infant and Preschool Program (FIPP) Center for the Advanced Study of Excellence (CASE) in Early Childhood and Family Support Practices for coaching training in two regions of Virginia. Both trainings went exceptionally well and involved lots …
How do you keep your early intervention knowledge and practices current? It’s not always easy!
Keeping up with current practices and thought in the field can be very challenging for interventionists for lots of reasons – lack of time, expenses involved with journal subscriptions, etc. Here are a few links, ideas, and suggestions to help you keep up!
I know …
Does a day go by when you don’t have a question about the work you do??
The willingness to learn, try new things, be flexible, and adjust to each family’s priorities and environments are all must-have skills for early interventionists. With each new family you meet, each new IFSP outcome, and each new colleague who joins your team …
You’re sitting in an IFSP meeting discussing outcomes that the family would like to see for the child. The child is eligible for early intervention (EI) due to global developmental delays as well as cerebral palsy. The IFSP outcomes include the child learning to move about independently, feed himself, and learn to ask for what he wants, like …