Imagine that you’re on a visit and you observe this mother and child playing together with their stacking rings. This is a game that they play often and that the child really enjoys. Let’s pretend that this child qualified for EI with global developmental delays. His IFSP outcomes address priorities such as learning to crawl from his playroom to the kitchen when his mom calls his name; taking turns with actions and sounds; learning simple words to label and request his favorite activities and people; and using two hands together to hold his sippy cup. Now think about what strategies you might develop with the mother to encourage the child’s development.
What ideas do you have?
Use this picture to think about what natural learning opportunities are part of this activity and what strategies you might help this mother embed in a favorite game. Make it fun and remember that in real life, you and the mother would be discussing and developing these together!
Share your strategies and let’s see how many great ideas we can come up with!
Here’s one – Take turns putting the ring on each other’s head, waiting with wide eyes, then leaning forward to let the ring slowly fall to the floor with a big “BOOM!” You can weave in simple sounds (boom, uhoh, woosh) and words (up, down, where’d it go?). Fun!
matching/missing ring game to encourage child to crawl
make a race–put rings at the opposite end of the room (give child a head start)
Great idea! Thanks Bri!
Roll ring away- and say “bye, bye ring”- wave “bye bye” to the ring.
Place ring on a small couch, sit behind the child, then encourage the child to go get the ring by saying “go get ring”, this will encourage the child to pull themselves to stand and stand with support.
Throw the ring up in the air and say “wee”. Repeats this over and over again, if it interest the child. Take turns with the child by saying “Child’s name’s turn” and then when it’s parent’s turn say “mommy turn” while pointing at mommy.
Give child choices. By presenting child each ring in two hands.. Parent can ask “do you want green ring?” and then hold out green ring…or “do you want blue ring?” and hold out blue ring. This will help the child start making choices, by using gestures and body language.
Great ideas, Gloria! I love how you’ve identified learning opportunities that cross several areas of development and support parent-child interaction. 🙂