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Example of coachingAccording to Rush & Shelden (2005), coaching is defined as:

An adult learning strategy in which the coach promotes the learner’s ability to reflect on his or her actions as a means to determine the effectiveness of an action or practice and develop a plan for refinement and use of the action in immediate and future situations.

Coaching interactions can be used by practitioners during early intervention visits to help parents develop their abilities to interact with their children in ways that support their child’s development. Coaching can be used during natural family routines as a way to help families identify strategies, practice them during visits, reflect on their interactions with their children, problem solve challenges, and receive supportive feedback. For more information on how to use coaching in your work, check out the resources you’ll find under this topic.

Rush, D. D., & Shelden, M. L. (2005). Evidence-based definition of coaching practices. CASEInPoint, 1 (6), 1-6.

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