Ask any 3 families what bathtime is like for their child, and you’ll get 3 different responses. For one family, bathtime might be a long, fun, wet playtime each night for the parent and child. For another, it might be a very busy time of bathing 3 young children, getting them in and out of …
Are you working with a very young child who has multiple disabilities? If you are looking for resources, check out our new Multiple Disabilities topic page on the VA EIPD Center site! You’ll find free articles, fact sheets, a resource landing pad (PDF, New Window), a video of a mother telling her early intervention story …
I met Sam when he was about 16 months old. He had been enrolled in early intervention since before his 1st birthday due to global developmental delays. He was making slow progress developmentally so I was asked to consult with this OT and his mother. After spending time watching Sam play and talking with his …